Veterans' Foundation Support

November 1, 2023

Veterans' Foundation Support

The Blues and Royals Association would like to thank the Veterans' Foundation for its support in helping us deliver Household Cavalry Connect and in particular the Web-App members' area.

The Web-App successfully takes all the functionality of the HCav phone-app (that we very successfully launched in October 2022) and delivers it through a private members area on this regimental website. The main motivation for the Web-App project was to extend the positive impact we have seen from our mobile app and make this more accessible to a wider range of members, some of whom find it difficult or impractical to access the platform from a phone device.

This project has seen the tools for connecting members, sharing updates and supporting local activity (such as Walk+Talk groups) now reach a wider audience across our veteran, SP and family community. The Web-App has even recently been approved on MODnet devices so that it is more accessible by serving personnel.

This project would not have been possible without the grant support of the Veterans' Foundation and the Association, on behalf of the wider community would like to acknowledge this commitment.